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The purpose of Louisiana Volleyball Baton Rouge is to provide the most advanced standardized volleyball training and competition for all interested team players.


Our goal is to offer the most comprehensive, state-of-the-art volleyball learning system through introduction, evaluation, performance testing, training, and instruction.


This system will meet the needs of the athletes brand new to the sport or the more seasoned athlete who has been part of the volleyball club program.  It will also cater to each team involved, all while providing unequaled value for the volleyball athlete's time and money invested.


All of our athletes benefit from our technical, physical and mental training which we call our TRIAD of Excellence. 


Louisiana Volleyball Baton Rouge is a nationally recognized volleyball training program offering year-round volleyball training for every age at all skill levels.


As a members of the JVA, USA Volleyball Bayou Region's Junior Olympic Program and the AAU Volleyball Program, Louisiana Volleyball Baton Rouge is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the sport of volleyball for the volleyball athlete.

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